ASCOTEC® moves towards new horizons !

ASCOTEC® moves towards new horizons ! As a key supplier in anticorrosion field, ASCOTEC® is, since several years, recognized and represented internationally. The company has proposed its products and expertise in more than 60 countries thanks to a strong distributor network settled in Europe, Asia, North America, Africa and Middle East. With a real desire…

UL-Prospector 200P

ASCOTEC® is on UL Prospector®!

Find us on UL Prospector®! We gladly announce you that our company and our range of inhibitors ASCOTRAN®, ASCONIUM® & ASCOTRUST® are now referenced on UL PROSPECTOR® Database. You will find more detailed information on this link : https://www.ulprospector.com/en/eu/Coatings/Suppliers/20742/ASCOTEC We hope to see you soon, stay safe !